Rabu, 27 Maret 2013

[G378.Ebook] Free PDF The Mind of Jihad, by Laurent Murawiec

Free PDF The Mind of Jihad, by Laurent Murawiec

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The Mind of Jihad, by Laurent Murawiec

The Mind of Jihad, by Laurent Murawiec

The Mind of Jihad, by Laurent Murawiec

Free PDF The Mind of Jihad, by Laurent Murawiec

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The Mind of Jihad, by Laurent Murawiec

This book examines contemporary jihad as a cult of violence and power. All jihadi groups, whether Shiite or Sunni, Arab or not, are characterized by a similar bloodlust. Murawiec characterizes this belief structure as identical to that of Europe's medieval millenarians and apocalyptics, arguing that both jihadis and their European cousins shared in a Gnostic ideology: a God-given mission endowed the Elect with supernatural powers and placed them above the common law of mankind. Although the ideology of jihad is essentially Islamic, Murawiec traces the political technologies used by modern jihad to the Bolsheviks. Their doctrines of terror as a system of rule were appropriated by radical Islam through multiple lines of communication. This book brings history, anthropology, and theology to bear to understand the mind of jihad that has declared war on the West and the world.

  • Sales Rank: #1143184 in Books
  • Published on: 2008-08-11
  • Released on: 2008-10-16
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.21" h x .83" w x 6.14" l, 1.10 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 376 pages

"An unsparing study of Islamic Radicalism, anchored in the data and the histories of Islam's movements. Laurent Murawiec has produced a work of genuine and subtle learning, a book that situates Islamism in the broader context of millenarian movements the world over. I believe that this is a work that will make for itself a sure place in the Writings on Islamic Radicalism. An author at once brave and disciplined."
-Fouad Ajami, Johns Hopkins University

"Murawiec argues that the intellectual lineage of Modern Jihad goes beyond its proximate causes and alleged grievances; he shows that its ideological roots run deep in history, in culture, in heresy and in its affinity to the totalitarian ideologies of the twentieth century. His thesis will anger some and challenge others, but it will have to be taken seriously by anyone wanting to understand modern terror."
-Mark T. Clark, California State University, San Bernardino, President of the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa

"Laurent Murawiec draws on a remarkable range of historical, religious, ideological and ideational sources. The breadth and insight of his treatment deserve comparison with the work of Bernard Lewis, while breaking new ground in shaping our understanding of the contemporary jihad movement and in particular what Murawiec describes as, 'the etiology of such a love of death, a worship of blood, a cult of violence.' This is a sophisticated, original, yet highly readable book, unflinching in its description and analysis. Murawiec makes the case that the structure of violent jihadist ideology mirrors the millenarian insurrections that wreaked havoc in Europe from 1100 to 1550. Those movements arose under conditions of intense social dislocation caused by rapid change and which triggered individual and societal disorientation, anomie and loss of confidence in established religion and authority. By implication, some of the same deep societal impulses have been at work in contemporary Arab Muslim societies."
-Robert J. Lieber, Georgetown University

"Wars are first fought in the mind before they are fought on the battlefield. Understanding one's enemy, beginning with the fact that an enemy exists with intelligible world historical ambitions, is the first principle of war and peace. Laurent Murawiec's detailed The Mind of Jihad is a book many will not want to know about; it is too detailed, too sweeping, too accurate to leave much room for doubt about the nature and seriousness of purpose of those who in fact war against us with dedicated purpose. Murawiec writes clearly, frankly. His intended audience includes Muslims, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Chinese, and all, scholarly or ordinary, who seek to come to grips with the intellectual origins and purposes of the Jihad, including especially those who recently insist that the word cannot be used among us, its primary objects."
-James V. Schall, S. J., Georgetown University

" With its grim detail and relentless documentation of human cruelty and savagery, this is a difficult, but important book to read"
- Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management

"Readers find help in this timely book. It contains a proper diagnosis, without which there will not be a proper healing. According to Murawiec, jihad - fateful and shrouded in darkness - like a Sphinx transfixes us. The common analysis of jihadism in Washington, the author laments, suffers from being mono-causal and ahistorical. The expressions 'war on terror' and 'terrorism' merely focus on the tool, but fail to capture the essence of terror as continuation of politics and a system of power."
Wolfgang G. Schwanitz, The Middle East Journal

"Laurent Murawiec's The Mind of Jihad offers a different perspective. Discounting both the grievance and Islam-as-innately-violent models, Murawiec explores certain untapped areas of research in order to show correlations between radical Islam and any number of uniquely Western concepts and patterns, both philosophical and historical."
Raymond Ibrahim, The Weekly Standard and Middle East Forum

"While a comprehensive examination of Israeli society is beyond the scope of the book, the authors intend to provide the reader with some 'snapshots' of significant events, decisions, and developments that have played a role in Israel's ongoing search for self-identity. Specific attention is given to changing demographics and the interaction between the various segments of Israeli society that include national, ethnic, and religious groups. The authors also examine various shocks to the system, including the first and second Lebanon wars, the first and second Intifadas, and the peace process of the 1990s."
Maxwell Martin, Middle East Journal

"Terrorists are produced by a totalitarian ideology justifying terrorism. That is its 'root cause.'...This, then, is the book for those who wish to explore the 'root cause' in the ideas that give moral legitimacy to Islamist terrorism...Murawiec's research into the working relationship between the Soviet Union and Islamism is original and startling...The Mind of Jihad takes the discussion precisely in the direction in which it needs to go if we are to understand and prevail in this new war of ideas."
-Robert R. Reilly, American Foreign Policy Council, Claremont Review of Books

About the Author
Laurent Murawiec taught philosophy, was a foreign correspondent, co-founded and managed a consulting company for geopolitical and geoeconomic affairs, and taught at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en sciences sociales. He has served as a consultant for the French Ministry of Defense and as a Senior International Policy Analyst with the RAND Corporation and is currently a senior Fellow of the Hudson Institute. He is the author of La Guerre au XXI� Si�cle (2000), L'Esprit des Nations: Cultures et G�opolitique (2002), La Guerre d'Apr�s (2003), and Vulnerabilities in the Chinese Way of War (2004), as well as an acclaimed French translation of Clausewitz's On War (1999).

Most helpful customer reviews

10 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Mind of Jihad
By Abigail L. Rosenthal
This is an extraordinarily well informed, intelligent, and deep book on its subject. It sets the problem of jihad in the context of analogous, gnostic movements within Western, Christian culture, at the same time that it gives a time line and a profile of the extra-Islammic (illiberal) influences that have shaped the contemporary phenomenon of radical Islamism.

2 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Who is the real Laurent Murawiec?
By M. Hatfield
In summary, the book is interesting and informative in its research and placing that research in the context time as far as it goes. However it is by no means exhaustive or balanced to the point that one can draw any concrete conclusions. It is sort of the selective tip of the iceberg well organized. We all know the Communists, Imperialist, Socialist,theocrat's,logocrat's... have manipulated and killed the Islamic World and the Islamic World has manipulated and killed all of them back and the blood of millions has flowed all over the place without arms, heads... All of these various groups have also kill within their own sphere in the millions and that is history as well. The real question I have is who is Laurent Murawiec. His brief resume connects him with a few brand name neo conservative think tanks, Richard Perle, Lyndon H. LaRouche Jr.,Marc Rich Foundation and what I would call some pretty far right marginal sorts of characters. Murawiec caused a big dust up with his 24 point presentation on Saudi Arabia to the Bush administration but that is even vague and published only second hand. Who are his parents? Where was he born? What is his religion or not? What has he done boots on the ground in the old Soviet Union, the Middle East, the Arab world, Asia, South America... I've traveled in all of those place extensively over the past 45 years as a business person and I find very few absolutes and a lot of gray everywhere I go. Maybe I've seen too much on all sides of this broad equation that Murawiec tries to quantify but I am sort of a cynic at heart and I like to see both sides of the ledger on all issues because I have found very few issues that did not have multiple defendable points of view and only a fool makes a decision without knowing all of them and from whence they emanate. Let's clear up this enigma and will the real Laurent Murawiec please stand up and who are you really? I sent an email to the Web Site but did not get an answer. Half the story is worse than none!

1 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Putting Innocents to the Sword
By Ralph White
It was a matter of time before the European Intelligencia discovered a philosophy in the sacred terror being waged on civilization by its principal enemy, Islamic fundamentalism. Others have traced the movement's history and have thoroughly analyzed the tangle of antecedents which attempt to explain the blood lust of Islamacism. Credit Murawiec for documenting in horrific detail the fundamentalists' insatiable appetite for gore. This is not an entry level book and the reader uninitiated in Islamic savagery will be repelled...precisely the author's intent. It is no surprise that he did not find his message welcome in an increasingly Islamicized France, where apologists for any garden variety atrocity can be found. The United States is the right place for him for it is here and only here where his scholarship can be appreciated. He deserves credit, too, for his courage. However...

Murawiec's crisp, complex syntax, distinctively European, lulls the reader into the illusion of receiving an advanced, postgraduate education. Yet the complexity of the language masks a m�lange of blurred themes, many wholly unrelated to the mind of the jihadi. As the reader is led through the author's lengthy reflections on Ali Shariati's Gnosticism, it eventually occurs to the reader that if there is a unifying theme in the book, it fails explain the jihadi's intoxicating excitement at putting innocents to the sword.

I see the absence of firm editorial controls in Murawiec's writing. That writing, which at the outset appears informed and lofty, ultimately becomes merely prolix. A good editor would have distilled the author's ostentatious erudition down to a version more easily digested by the American readership which is now his sole audience. My advice to Murawiec is to get an editor. Show by clear writing that you are capable of clear thinking. It is simply not obvious, as it now stands, how the book advances your cause.

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